floathouse Blog Archive - Float House


Taking Time To Heal

Taking Time To Heal

You know those days where you feel fragile, where you've been stretched too far too fast and you're frantically trying to hold it all together while doing a million things, but it all breaks apart anyway? That was me last night, in tears and feeling defeated as I walked into Healing One to float. Hugs from your friends are incredibly healing, but hugs coupled with a float is the ultimate feel good prescription, I am now convinced.

Replacing The Old With The New | Kashka Zerafa on #WhyWeFloat

Replacing The Old With The New | Kashka Zerafa on #WhyWeFloat

One of my Float House sensory deprivation traditions, is going after a monthly therapy session. Yes I have a therapist and I have seen once a month for a year and a half. Occasionally more often if I am in more need but that was mostly at the beginning. One of the many self care activities I can finally afford since becoming a RMT. 

Seven Tips to Float Like a Pro

Seven Tips to Float Like a Pro

Floating is as much of an art form as it is a science. It can take some practice to avoid the common pitfalls in a Sensory Deprivation Tank that can take away from your experience (if you let them)! Master these seven tricks and you’ll be on your way to floating bliss in no time!

Your Default is Bliss

Your Default is Bliss

The human experience is a fascinating thing. We are born into this world; we have no conscious choice of our parents, nor of the city or country we live in, nor the time in history in which we appear. We are born, we grow and mature, and we have experiences. Everything we are exposed to on every level of what we are, seems to affect us throughout the course of our existence. It seems that we are like these infinitely dense bio-psycho-social-spiritual sponges that absorb everything, whether we are conscious of it or not.

Why Moms Should Float

Why Moms Should Float

This post ought to be a four words long and say: “Alone time. Full stop.”

But though 90 minutes of pure stillness and sacred silence IS enough to make me escape every month, that’s not the only reason floating is a great idea for moms and moms-to-be. Here are 10 reasons why moms should float!

How I Learned to Lucid Dream When I Float.

How I Learned to Lucid Dream When I Float.

My floats tend to be very visual in nature. Sometimes I am overcome with waves of emotions, other times I am able to enter into a lucid dreamstate and explore the vastness of my mindscape and sometimes my mind just rants, raves and yells at itself.

I've been obsessed with sensory deprivation tanks for about a decade now. Throughout my time in university, I was lucky enough to have amazing professors who allowed me to research them as my theses, which greatly added to my theoretical knowledge of floating.

Until Float House Vancouver opened, I was only able to float sporadically, once or twice a year and more often than not, I would enhance this experience with psychedelic substances, going for extended lengths of time, inducing intense and personalized Sacred Ecstatic Experiences full of religious imagery. Now that I float on a more regular basis, I have learned how to include it as a constant practice and have seen how it has changed many aspects of my life.

At First Float

At First Float

Many people will have to manage the time it takes to read this post.

In our fast-paced world of ready meals, quick check-out, express bus, train, lanes, drop-off, pick-up windows, high-speed, 30 minute workouts, news highlights, 140 character attention span - everything is about now. Faster, easier, cram it all into the day.