floathouse Benefits - Infrared Sauna - Float House

Sports & Fitness

Boost Endurance & Cardiac Health

At Float House you are able to increase your aerobic capacity and overall heart health (decrease resting heart rate and lowered blood pressure). This isn't a minor benefit, studies have shown a 32% increase in time to exhaustion! So you're able to train cardio while you sit back, relax, and let your muscles and mind recover. This achieved through a number of mechanisms. Increased  thermoregulatory control during exercise, decreasing blood pressure, and increasing red blood cell production by naturally increasing EPO levels.


Decrease inflammation, swelling and pain from injuries and hard training. With the production of heat shock proteins, increase in hormone production and increased blood flow to muscle tissue you can get back to training fast, pain free, with an added performance boost. 

Maintain & Gain Muscle

Significantly decrease muscle loss (from atrophy and oxidative stress) due to injury or inactivity. Naturally boost human growth hormone (HGH) production which helps to maintain, build, and repair healthy tissue in the brain and other organs. Increase 
insulin sensitivity (helps  build and maintain lean body mass and loose body fat faster).


At Float House you are able to have a lower core body temperature during activity and increased thermoregulatory control. This helps with performance and endurance  during training. The improved  muscle perfusion has also shown to reduce the rate of glycogen depletion. 

Health & Wellness

Mental Health for depression and more

Improve mental health with infrared therapy! Multiple peer reviewed
clinical studies have shown significant improvement for people with depression, anxiety, and ADHD with sauna use. These effects aren't just short lived either, as studies have found that results lasted for up to 6 weeks after a session!


You get powerful anti-inflammatory effects (effective for acute and chronic inflammation) with the use of our unique combination of full spectrum infrared technology and medical grade light therapies.


Boost your immune system with our full spectrum infrared sauna. No one likes getting sick and 1 sauna session raises your core body temperature inducing an artificial fever. This prevents you from getting sick and helps to fight off infections faster.

Brain Health & Repair 

There are long term benefits to using our full spectrum infrared sauna through the production of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) which increases the growth of new brain cells as well as the survival of existing neurons. Prolactin is also produced which promotes myelin growth, making your brain function faster, and is key in repairing nerve cell damage.

 Mood, Focus & Energy 

After doing 1 session you'll feel an increase in your mood, focus, and overall energy levels. You might think you would feel tired and sluggish after a session, but with our combination of full spectrum and light therapies it's the exact opposite! This is achieved through a boost in Serotonin, Dopamine and Endorphins. 


Regular sauna use has shown a 40% decrease in all cause mortality and cognitive decline in adults. There are a number or mechanisms in play which include  cardio vascular benefits, hormone boost, and the production of heat shock proteins. Heat shock proteins prevent the aggregation of misfolded proteins which play a significant role in the 
development of heart disease and neurodegenerative diseases (like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and dementia). 

Skin &

Clear and Glowing Skin 

Float House gets you glowing skin and clears your pores with an intense and deep sweat! A boost in oxygen and nutrients delivered to the surface of the skin along with expelling deeply embedded toxins and metabolic products that results in noticeable skin differences just after 1 session.

Weight Loss

Burn up to 400 calories while you sit and relax. You don't just loose water weight during your session, but the work that your body is doing to cool itself burns real calories and increases your metabolism.  

Skin Solution 

Fight acne, cellulite, psoriasis, black heads, blemishes, fine lines and wrinkles with one 30 minute session. The increase in localized circulation, clearing toxins, and healing effects
helps the body clear skin and boost elasticity, tone and texture.

Fine Lines & Wrinkles

The deep penetrating effects of our full spectrum infrared (far, mid and near infrared waves) have shown to stimulate collagen production in your skin allowing for a decrease in fine lines and wrinkles.

Improved Sleep

A decrease in cortisol levels and the normalization of your circadian rhythm lets you get the rest you need to optimize your mind and body!


Safely and effectively expel harmful toxins like arsenic lead, mercury, nickel, cadmium and other toxins. Full spectrum infrared waves interact with the fat in our cells allowing for the release and expulsion of heavy metals, toxins, and chemicals.

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